Clients in our usual territory (north of Onley, west of Wallops) can register here.
Our Mission
Northern Accomack Community Cats is a grassroots group formed in Accomack County, Virginia to help address the health and welfare of community cats and the needs of their caregivers.
Our Vision
Accomack County is a severely underserved area of Virginia. Northern Accomack Community Cats seeks to support our community cats and their caregivers through low-cost TNR services, connection with local resources, public outreach, and advocacy.
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs provide the most humane option available for community cat populations and the healthiest option for the humans around them.
4 months
age when female cats come into their first heat (and can become pregnant)
estimate of how many cats one female and her kittens will produce in a 7-year period
50 million
estimated number of free-roaming cats in the United States
Despite our first year of operation commencing one week before a global pandemic took flight, we managed to provide TNR services to 149 cats (March 2020 - February 2021) as well providing rescue/adoption for 14 kittens and hundreds of referrals for service to folks who did not meet our criteria.
In our second year (March 2021 - February 2022) we provided TNR services to 407 cats and rescue/adoption to 60 kittens.
Our third year (March 2022 - February 2023) wrapped up with a total of 355 cats TNR’d and 32 kittens rescued/adopted.
Our fourth year (March 2023- February 2024) we provided TNR services to 436 cats.
Get Involved
Volunteers are the core of our success, and our most vital resource.